Transforming Cloning Operations

Automate cloning with real-time backup & restore runbooks, minimize troubleshooting with precise clones, and seamlessly sync restored items across all cloned instances.

ServiceNow Situation Today

Cloning Disruptions Impacting Workflow

Manual Backup and Restore Plans

Manual backup and restore plans are error-prone and labor-intensive, leading to prolonged freeze periods and development downtime.

Risk of Loosing WIP

It is common to lose work-in-progress when cloning due to the manual nature of backing up and restoring WIP.

Continuous Troubleshooting Errors

Missed items or lost work lead to errors, causing nagging and continuous troubleshooting efforts for days, weeks, and even months in the future.

Spreadsheet tracking of restore plans

Using spreadsheets for restore plans is error-prone and labor-intensive and does not provide an immutable record for compliance and audit history.

With xtype

Seamless Cloning Operations

Controlled Synchronization

Import/recommit once, and xtype syncs the restored updates across all cloned instances—no manual fixes or rework needed.

Automated, Real Time Runbooks

xtype runbooks provide accurate backup plans and auto-verified restore plans, ensuring no critical elements like update sets, apps, or plugins are missed.

Accurate Clones Reduce Troubleshooting

Because xtype improves accuracy, developers spend less time troubleshooting and more time innovating and delivering.

Automated Package Based Restore

xtype packages are immutable and ensure accuracy and automation for restoring records, scripts, plugins, update sets, apps, and more.

Watch our webinar to learn more

Tired of dealing with inconsistencies between ServiceNow instances and think cloning is your way out?


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