The Ultimate Instance Management Platform for ServiceNow Teams

  • Visibility - See active plugins, versioning, and more across all instances
  • Governance - Reduce permissions with granular customization and auditable change logs
  • Automation - Automated smart syncing, cloning, release packaging, and zero-touch deployment

Zurich Insurance deploys
ServiceNow releases 5X faster with xtype

Zurich, like most companies, has adopted DevOps and Agile methodologies. It became apparent that those principles needed to be applied to their ServiceNow development efforts. However, many of the DevOps tools and metrics these days are still focused on file-based architected applications, not platform-built use cases like ServiceNow update sets, plugins, scripts, apps, and more. Zurich adopted xtype to shrink its growing backlog, deliver value more quickly and shorten its cloning windows.

Not enough people in the platform team?

Loved by Platform Architects, Trusted by Platform Owners and the Business